Monday, October 5, 2009

Books, Books, Books

A while ago, a few friends and I were talking about the books we'd read - we read a LOT, probably because there is really nothing else to do on the weekends or during holidays or after dark, plus the Peace Corps office has a really fantastic library - and we decided to set a goal of reading 100 books during our 2 years here. At the bottom right hand corner of this blog, you'll find my current booklist. The first 30 books are in no particular order, as I read them before setting the goal. As I read more, I'll add the titles to the list and (hopefully) more than double my numbers over the next year. I am open to suggestions, but I'm more or less limited by what's in the office. Happy reading!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Shelby,

Hope you are well. I just came across your blog on Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Great stuff! I am writing to you as a fellow UM alumni(94) because I have launched a website populated with cross-cultural information about every country in the world. We will be looking to the web community to help do this with all the information being available for free. I was wondering if you may be able to help us out with the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines pages. We would love your input. Let me know if you would be open to this and I'll send along a brief questionnaire. Please also feel free to check out the website, become a member (it's free!) and add to the guide.
Here is a link:
Thank you for your time!

Michael Landers
Director - Culture Crossing