We just finished our last official week of Term 2 and I am more than happy to be nearly on vacation. I say nearly because even though grades were due yesterday, we still have 2 - 3 full days of school next week. Since we're not taking any more grades, I'm not sure what the class schedule will be like...I'm hoping that there are some planned, school-wide activities, but I somehow doubt that. More likely, we'll be acting as glorified babysitters.
I had a good term, albeit a busy one. Overall, this was a learning term for me. I find that I am just now getting into the swing of things, even though we've been here for nearly 7 months. In many ways, it would have been an easier transition had we begun our service 2 months earlier (July 2008). That way, we could have been finished with training and ready to work for the start of school (September 1, 2008). As it stands, we spent just 1 day per week in the schools for the entire months of September and October. By the time we got into the schools full time, everything was winding down, exams were starting and we really didn't get to make the training - work transition I was hoping for. Instead, I spent the entire second term transitioning. That's not necessarily bad - we have a long enough service period that we can afford a long transition time, it's just such a weird situation for those of us in schools. We're here for two full school terms, but in an really awkward way. We basically work the second two terms of this school year, then a full school year, then a couple of months of the first term of the next school year. I just think that with most of us in schools, the timing could have been better arranged.
As it stands, I'm happy to finally be getting into the swing of things. I feel like I've learned so much more in my 7 months here than I did in 4 years of college (stay in school). When I first came here, I literally had NO IDEA what I was doing. I was expected to teach literacy and numeracy but I didn't know the first thing about teaching anything, and for the first couple of months, I was really terrible at it. Really terrible. Then, somewhere along the line, I got less terrible at it. I still have no idea what I'm doing most of the time, but I'm better at improvising and creatively using available materials. I've learned from my many (many) mistakes and in doing so, have become slightly more confident in my abilities. When I first arrived in Mespo, I was disenchanted. I was scared to death to work in a high school, I didn't feel qualified to teach literacy, I was disappointed not to be working with sciences, which I had originally requested. I really questioned my placement in the area and questioned whether I could be happy here. Now, 7 months later, I can't imagine being anywhere else. Turns out, I really love Mespo and working at a high school is a good fit for me. Sure it's challenging and I have to work really hard to make this job my own, but it's worth it. Even on bad days, it's worth it. And that's really something.
In other exciting news, my parents will be visiting me (yay!) for a week (yay!). They arrive on Wednesday, so I'm busy busy preparing my cute house for guests. We will spend a few days in Bequia, then it's back to St. Vincent for...whatever we feel like. I am very excited to show them around Mespo and to introduce them to the people I work and hang with. We're going to try the locals foods, visit the local hang-outs, see where I work and live. It'll be a great week. I'll let you know how it goes.
4 years ago